
Baby Update: Second Trimester, Week Nineteen

Sorry for the neglect, Blog, but real life has been interfering with my documentation. Christmas was a wild time for us. After the announcement of the pregnancy, it seems like we've been in a hustle with friends and family wanting to be more informed as the weeks progress. But, all I can say is that we're a very lucky set of parents to have seen so much love. Our sons are already buying toys for their new sibling. My fellow artist friends are planning on helping me with a belly cast soon, and are even talking about making a key chain out of the umbilical cord. And Jeff has even been given some time off of work during the slow summer months at the university to be with me in the early weeks of the baby's life.

But, as of right now, here is where the baby stands:
  • Now nearly 6 inches in length, the baby is continually putting on weight as the organs continue to refine in function. 
  • Th skin, though still transparent, is becoming red as the blood vessels continue to grow.
  • Vernix has started to develop.
  • The baby can make facial expressions.
  • The newly developed retinas are sensitive to light.
  • The taste buds can now distinguish sweet and bitter flavors
  • Hair is forming, including eyebrows and eyelashess.
  • The urinary system is now working.
  • Basically, the baby is appearing more baby-like and less alien as all systems are beginning to function.
  • The reproductive organs are now visible from an ultrasound to determine the sex.
As for me:
  • My clothing is becoming uncomfortable, even when wearing my looser clothes.
  • I have gained about seven pounds.
  • I've been eating Cheerios all of the time! Multi-Grain Cheerios are my favorite.
  • I've felt a bit more lightheaded, and am learning to move slowly.
  • I can actually feel the baby s.quirm around. It feels like fluttering in my stomach
  • I've had other small incidents of discomfort, like more heartburn, but nothing that I can't tolerate.
  • I'm still reading my books.
  • The obstetrician visits with Dr. Sellers are starting to feel routine. He'll throw a few tests my way, check my stats, and tell me that I'm progressing nicely. I certainly don't take this for granted. So far, my Rh is conducive the the baby, the amniocentesis results match the CVS findings, and we are rolling right along.
  • For $900, Jeff and I joined Conway Regional Fitness so that I could take my at-home yoga to a new level. There is a special maternity yoga group that I've been attending, and the indoor pool has been nice to soothe my achy boy.
  • We've also signed up for a few parenting-related classes through the hospital of our delivery, Baptist Medical Center. For $30, Jeff and I have decided to take a Babysafe CPR class. For the same price, we're taking a Newborn Care refresher class. At $40, I'm taking a Breastfeeding class. (I didn't breastfeed my first two, but now it seems crucial.) And, finally, Jeff and I will take a Childbirthing class for $65. The kind Nurse Abby commended our dedication: We just laughed and told her that we didn't want to be utterly clueless this time around.
  • I actually went to go maternity clothes shopping because my bump will soon be in the way. Part of me is sad to see my high heels go back into the closet for awhile, but at least I could buy some adorable flats to make up for it. And, the nice thing about most of these clothes is that it will last me past my pregnancy and into the months after the baby while I lose weight.

Soon, we should be able to find out the sex of our baby. This is exciting, because with the first two we didn't take the option: We were kind of rebellious back then, and more pleased by surprises. But, now we just want to be prepared. So, we're hoping the wee one won't be so shy in the mid-pregnancy standard ultrasound.